We care

We care for people and planet. We strive for positive impact
on all levels or our practice. It’s not just about the yarn.
Care means quality, longevity and passing on stories:

• Our pick-and-mix patch concept is a more durable take on the commercial jersey ‘as-a-billboard’. It allows us to be sustainable through storytelling. One jersey, endless designs.

• Our designs are slow style beauties. Buy less, buy better, keep forever.

• All our apparel is of high quality, made to last. We keep on trying to make our products’ lifecycle more sustainable. We only work with trusted factories where attention to detail and quality control are an essential part of the process.

• We have a small but carefully considered product range. Better doing a handful of things well, than a lot of things superficially.

• To have a meaningful impact we want to drive positive change in the communities we are a part of. Stay close to our community, whatever the weather. Sell directly to customers, without middlemen. This also includes fair prices and fair working conditions for everyone involved.

• We want to work for other coureurs as well. Carry their water. Close the gaps. We offer a range of good cause patches supporting different initiatives. The first story to follow is the Felix500. Please drop us a line if you want the work together.